Paris Fashion Week - The World’s Biggest Fashion Extravaganza!

Held from September 25th  to October 3rd, the Paris  Fashion Week is the final  leg of Fashion week and  one biggest fashion events  in the world

Fashion Week starts at the  beginning of September in  New York, then next coming  weeks’ events will be held in  London, Milan and finally,  Paris.

The first Fashion Week was  called Press Week. Eleanor  Lambert started this in  1943 in New York during  World War II as an alternative  to French fashion shows.

Paris Fashion Week is like  the closing ceremony of the  Fashion Week and all eyes  are on this event to end on  a high note.

All the clothes showcased  during the event will be  released to the public as  fashion trends for the  year.

Big brands like Chanel,  Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton,  Givenchy, and Saint Laurent  are expected at the Paris  Fashion Week.

Models, fashionistas, and  celebrities will also add some  glitz and glamour to the many  red-carpet events featuring  them.

Paris Fashion Week will also  feature young designers like  Peter Do, Junya Watanabe,  Marie Adam-Leenaerdt, Sacai,  Kiko Kostadinov, and Dries  Van Noten.

Amazing daytime events and  crazy after-parties are also  an important part of the Paris  Fashion Week.

Though getting a ticket to the  main event is impossible,  tourists can enjoy the buzz  around Paris and the many  other fashion events  happening in the city.