8 Days in Italy – The Best Iternary Ideas

Amalfi coast Italy

For most of us, traveling to Europe is a dream-come–true moment. The mesmerizing charm of most European countries captivates every travel-thirsty soul there is. Anyone who gets to see the picturesque streets and canals of Amsterdam, or the monumental ancient buildings of Rome, will surely cherish such unforgettable moments in his life.

If you plan a trip to Europe, traveling to one or more of the countries in the Schengen area is your best choice. You can maximize your things to do in Europe list with a Schengen travel itinerary. You can visit Italy for your first stop or at the end of your entire Schengen area tour. Whichever way you want it, you will surely not regret having Italy on your list.

This blog is your complete guide for your planned trip to the Schengen area, especially to Italy. Know everything from the perks of getting a Schengen visa to the best itinerary ideas in Italy.

Learn About Schengen Visa

A Schengen visa is a travel document that allows individuals to enter, travel within, and exit the Schengen area from one of the Schengen countries.

The Schengen area, or Schengen zone, is a group of European countries that have all signed the Schengen agreement, allowing border-free travel within the area.

The Schengen area consists of 23 countries from the European Union (EU) and four other non-EU countries. Collectively, these countries are Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, and Sweden, along with Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

With a Schengen visa, an individual can travel around these countries free from border restrictions for 90 days within a six-month period. Each member country of the Schengen area can issue valid Schengen visas.

Why travel to Italy?

The tourist attractions in the Schengen area are too many to mention, given that it consists of 26 countries overall. From the picturesque canals that flow from the Amstel River in Amsterdam to the historically significant Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens to the charming scenery surrounding Lake Geneva in Switzerland, the list of beautiful places to visit can go on at length.

But among the numerous tourist attractions in the Schengen area, you might want to visit places in Italy at the start or the end of your Schengen tour. An eight-day tour around Italy is all you need to make the most of your trip. Continue reading below for a complete 8-day travel itinerary in Italy.

8-Day Travel Itinerary in Italy

Since Italy is part of the Schengen area, you can enter the country with an Italy Schengen visa or an Italy tourist visa. Moving around the country should be easy. Here’s your complete guide for an 8-day tour around Italy.

Day 1: Arrival in Rome

Rome Italy

Rome should be your first stop. Stepping onto the cobblestone streets of Rome feels like traveling back in time. The ancient history of this eternal city blends seamlessly with modern life. When in Rome, one cannot simply miss visiting the marvelous Roman Colosseum, a testament to the grandeur of the Roman Empire and the venue of the gladiator games in the ancient days. A leisurely stroll through the Roman Forum offers glimpses into the past, while the Trevi Fountain will leave you spellbound by its beauty.

Day 2: Vatican City

Vatican city

Spend your second day visiting the heart of Christianity–the Vatican, situated within Rome itself. You cannot miss seeing the historic St. Peter’s Basilica, where the Pope sometimes holds an audience. Climbing to the top lets you take in a breathtaking panoramic city view. Witness the greatest artworks of the past in the Vatican Museums, where masterpieces like the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling by Michelangelo are housed. End your day with a delightful tour around the charming Trastevere neighbourhood, where you can indulge in authentic Roman cuisine.

Take note, however, that although the Vatican is recognized as part of the Schengen area, border control inspections are done upon entering the city because, as an Italian microstate, it did not officially sign the Schengen agreement.

Day 3: Florence

florence Italy

You can take the train to central Italy from Rome and make it to Florence. The trip takes an hour and a half. Florence, the capital of the Tuscany region, is the birthplace of the Renaissance. The city’s artistic charms captivate the souls of those who long to see the works of antiquity reborn. A visit to the Uffizi Gallery is a highlight, featuring artworks by Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, and Raphael. The Florence Cathedral and the famous Ponte Vecchio Bridge showcase the city’s architectural elegance. Before retiring for the day, have a relaxing evening by the Arno River and enjoy a tasty gelato while watching the sunset.

Day 4: Tuscan Countryside

Leaving the city buzz behind, you can retreat to the Tuscan countryside. Witness the rolling hills adorned with vineyards and olive groves spring to life as if from a postcard. A wine tour and tasting in Chianti surely make for an unforgettable experience. Each sip of wine tells tales of centuries-old winemaking traditions. A leisurely afternoon in a charming villa allows you to bask in the serenity of the countryside.

Day 5: Venice

Venice Italy

Halfway through your eight-day trip, continue making the most of your Italy tourist visa with a trip to the magical city of Venice. Exploring the city through its canals aboard a gondola is an experience like no other. St. Mark’s Square and its ornate basilica captivate tourists, while the Doge’s Palace gives insight into the city’s rich history. After sunset, enjoy the evening being serenaded by live music in a cozy canal-side café.

Day 6: Cinque Terre 

From Venice, you can then go to Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre is a cluster of five coastal villages in Liguria, northwest of Italy. Hiking along the scenic trails connecting the villages offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Ligurian Sea. The seafood cuisine in this area is a treat for the taste buds. Of course, seafood is best paired with the best of Italy’s locally produced white wine.

Day 7: Amalfi Coast

From northern Italy, you can take the train to the Amalfi coast in the south. The trip will take around eight hours, but it will be rewarding. Driving along the Amalfi coast is one for the books. The cliffside towns of Positano and Amalfi are postcard-perfect. Their colorful houses cascade down to the azure sea, making for a dreamy scene one would love to reminisce about. You can then explore the local boutiques for handmade ceramics and fashionable clothing. End your Amalfi Coast adventure with a romantic, breezy seaside dinner.

Day 8: Return to Rome

On your last day in Italy, you can opt for a return to Rome. You can revisit some of your favorite spots or further explore the city’s rich cuisine and nightlife. You won’t surely regret having an Italy tourist visa after this 8-day Italy trip.


Who needs a Schengen visa to travel around the Schengen area?

Any national who belongs to a country not part of the Schengen area needs a Schengen visa to travel around the area.

Can I enter Italy with a Schengen visa?

Since Italy is part of the Schengen area, you can enter the country with a Schengen visa.

Are all places in Italy free from border restrictions?

Note that the Vatican and San Marino are microstates within Italy that did not officially sign the Schengen agreement, although they are still recognized as part of the Schengen area. Border control inspections are done in the Vatican and San Marino.

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